

    Wild Turkey Liqueur

    Wild Turkey Liqueur

    Wild Turkey Liqueur is a unique and delicious liqueur, produced by the makers of Wild Turkey bourbon. Pure, natural honey is blended into a secret bourbon-based formula, which becomes a smooth cordial with a sweet and mellow flavor. Alcohol % : 30%Size...
    Agwa Black Herbal Liqueur 700ml

    Agwa Black Herbal Liqueur 700ml


    Agwa is the world's first and only coca leaf liqueur made from the finest Bolivian coca leaves. The leaves are shipped from Bolivia to Holland where it is produced just outside Amsterdam and contains over 30 herbs and botanicals. The Bolivian Kiss...
    Dom Benedictine

    Dom Benedictine

    Bénédictine is a herbal liqueur beverage developed by Alexandere Le Grand in the 19th century and produced in France. Alcohol % : 40%Size : 700mlMade : FranceType :  Liqueur
    Grand Marnier 700ml

    Grand Marnier 700ml

    The original liqueur created in 1880 by Louis-Alexandre Marnier Lapostolle. A delicate blend of fine cognacs and distilled essence of tropical oranges with Marnier-Lapostolle's secret touch. Slow ageing in French oak casks gives it incomparable roundness...
  • Alize Blue Passion

    Alize Blue Passion

    Alize Bleu Passion is a captivating liqueur that brings a taste of luxury right to your glass. Crafted from a harmonious blend of premium French vodka and Alize V.S. Cognac, this exquisite drink embodies elegance and indulgence. The liqueur features a...
  • Cointreau 700ml

    Cointreau 700ml

    Cointreau 700ml embodies the essence of premium craftsmanship and enchanting flavor, making it a standout choice for discerning palates. This distinguished orange liqueur hails from France, where tradition and innovation merge to create a spirit that...
  •  Germany

    Jagermeister 700ml

    Jägermeister 700ml is a world-renowned herbal liqueur, celebrated for its unique blend of flavors and rich history. Crafted in Wolfenbüttel, Germany, this iconic drink boasts a distinctive recipe that remains a closely guarded secret, featuring a...
  • Soho Lychee 700ml

    Soho Lychee 700ml


    Soho Lychee 700ml is a vibrant and delightful liqueur that captures the essence of exotic lychee fruit. This luscious spirit is crafted to provide a harmonious balance of sweetness and aromatic notes, offering a refreshing experience with every sip...


    Ricard is the world's best-selling aniseed-based spirit. Thanks to its inimitable taste and unique processing, this pastis has become the aperitif market leader. Alcohol % : 45%Size : 700mlMade : FranceType :  Liqueur
  • Pernod Anis 700ml

    Pernod Anis 700ml

    Pernod Anis is a distinguished liqueur that captures the essence of traditional French herbal craftsmanship. Crafted in France, this 700ml bottle of Pernod Anise Liqueur epitomizes a unique blend of star anise and fennel, harmonized with a selection of...
  • Pimms


    Pimm’s is a time-honored liqueur that seamlessly blends the classic essence of London dry gin with a medley of refreshing fruit extracts. Hailing from the vibrant streets of London, this quintessential British drink has been delighting palates since the...
    Zen Green Tea Liqueur

    Zen Green Tea Liqueur

    Zen green tea liqueur is produced using only the finest ingredients, with a perfectly balanced blend of specially selected Kyoto green tea leaves, premium herbs and natural flavors. Zen’s unique flavor reflects the modern palate and is well suited...