Plum Wine & Yuzu

Plum Wine & Yuzu

  • Kyoya Shuzo Premium Yuzu Gin 750ml Kyoya Shuzo Premium Yuzu Gin 750ml

    Kyoya Shuzo Premium Yuzu Gin 750ml

    Kyoya Shuzo Premium Yuzu Gin is a remarkable spirit that embodies the essence of Japanese craftsmanship and innovation. Sourced from the prestigious Kyoya Shuzo distillery, renowned for its exceptional shochu, this gin takes the tradition of distilling...
  • Choya Yume Wine 750ml

    Choya Yume Wine 750ml


    Choya Yume Wine is a delightful exploration into the world of Japanese plum wine, crafted for those who appreciate sweet nuances in their beverages. Enveloping the senses in a luscious blend, this wine features CHOYA's signature Ume juice, sourced from...
    Hamada Shuzo Kaido Iwai No AKA Shochu 300ml

    Hamada Shuzo Kaido Iwai No AKA Shochu 300ml

    KAIDO is a Japanese traditional sweet potato made spirit called IMO SHOCHU. Made from Kagoshima prefecture's high quality sweet potato & clean deep ocean water, KAIDO has a smooth, clean and slightly sweet flavour with richness.
  • Hamada Shuzo Kakushigura Shochu 300ml

    Hamada Shuzo Kakushigura Shochu 300ml

    Hamada Shuzo Kakushigura Shochu is a traditional Japanese spirit that beautifully encapsulates the essence of craftsmanship and nature. Carefully crafted from high-quality barley, this Mugi Shochu undergoes a meticulous aging process in oak barrels for...
    Heiwa Shuzo Tsureuume Nigori Umeshu 720ml

    Heiwa Shuzo Tsureuume Nigori Umeshu 720ml

    HEIWA SHUZO - WAKAYAMA Heiwa Shuz was established in 1928 in Wakayama prefecture. Their goal is to create products that reflect the landscape, climate and raw materials of their birthplace - Wakayama. In this Nigori Umeshu made with Nank Ume fruit...
    Ota Shuzo Dokan Umeshu 720ml

    Ota Shuzo Dokan Umeshu 720ml

    OTA SHUZO - SHIGA It’s no surprise really that ëta Shuzo who are making some seriously impressive Sake are also going to make a great umeshu! This Dkan Umeshu was made in 2014 by infusing a 1 year old sake with ao-ume [green ume] and...
  • Wakatsuru Umesky 720ml Wakatsuru Umesky 720ml

    Wakatsuru Umesky 300ml

    Wakatsuru Shozou

    Wakatsuru Umesky 300ml is an exquisite fusion that captures the essence of Japanese craftsmanship. Merging the elegance of traditional plum wine with the depth of whisky, Umesky is a delightful treat for both whisky aficionados and plum wine enthusiasts...
  • Wakatsuru Umesky 720ml Wakatsuru Umesky 720ml

    Wakatsuru Umesky 720ml

    Wakatsuru Shozou

    Wakatsuru Umesky 720ml is a unique fusion that masterfully blends the rich flavors of whisky with the elegant essence of plum wine, creating a one-of-a-kind experience for both whisky aficionados and plum wine enthusiasts alike. This exceptional drink...
  • On Sale
    Suntory Roku Gin 700ml

    Suntory Roku Gin 700ml


    Now: $60.00
    Was: $63.00
    Suntory Roku Gin is an exquisite representation of Japanese craftsmanship and artistry, meticulously crafted at the renowned Liquor Atelier. With an ABV of 43%, this exceptional gin is not just a drink; it’s an expression of the beauty and culture of...
    Now: $60.00
    Was: $63.00
  • Satsuma Godai 900ml

    Satsuma Godai 900ml

    Satsuma Godai is a distinguished sweet potato shochu that embodies the essence of traditional Japanese craftsmanship. Crafted from an impressive blend of 83% sweet potato (imo) and 17% rice (kome), this 900ml bottle offers a vibrant celebration of...
    Kurokirishima Shochu 720ml

    Kurokirishima Shochu 720ml

    Tasting Notes Sweet Potato, or imo, shochus are perhaps the most common in Japan, though they don’t receive quite as much love in the United States. Rice & barley shochus tend to be smoother and easier to drink and since there is no...