Prince Hubert de Polignac, heir to an illustrious family of the French aristocracy, started very young a brilliant career counselor for tradeFrance. Recognized by his peers as a perfectionist, diplomat having an open mind, a bright future before him.
Passionate and epicurean connoisseur of cognac, it was already the perfect ambassador dinners mondains. Buried by a desire for conquest and adventure, Prince sealed his destiny on the expertise of the House H. Mounier. Their union gave birth to Hubert de Polignac Cognac January 21, 1947.
ROYAL XO is a subtle blend, a selection of old cognacs brings its elegance and balance.
Steady amber color, it exudes notes of dried fruits and candied fruits. Its long aromatic persistence you will discover melted vanilla and cinnamon.
Awarded quality by experts in wine and spirits, XO ROYAL POLIGNAC accompany with elegance all occasions and will be a perfect present.