Nikka Super Rare Whisky is a distinguished Japanese blend that encapsulates the rich heritage and craftsmanship of Nikka, a renowned name in the world of whisky. This 50ml bottle offers a remarkable...
This is a blended malt named in honor of Masataka Taketsuru, the father of Japanese whisky. He is the first Japanese who mastered whisky-making in Scotland and produced the genuine whisky in Japan...
Tenjaku Blended Japanese Whisky offers an exquisite taste experience that embodies the artistry and tradition of Japanese whisky-making. This 700ml bottle showcases a harmonious blend of carefully...
Hi Nikka – Mild Blended Whisky is a distinguished expression that encapsulates the essence of Japanese craftsmanship in the art of whisky making. Crafted by the renowned Nikka Whisky Distilling...
Nikka Taketsuru Pure Malt Whisky is a masterful tribute to Masataka Taketsuru, the visionary who introduced Japanese whisky to the world. With a lineage rooted in the art of whisky-making learned in...
This stunning bottle takes its design from the neckline of kimono. A simply superb 12 year old matured blended Japanese whisky brought to us by Nikka.
Nose: Stewed fruits and poached...
This single malt whisky from the Yoichi distillery, stored and matured for 15 years or more, is characterized by its mature and ample nose and smooth, silky palate. Product Information Alcohol...