Dubonnet 750ml embodies a rich heritage that combines history, flavor, and versatility. Originating in 1846, this distinguished French aperitif wine was crafted by Parisian chemist Joseph Dubonnet, primarily as a means to help soldiers combat malaria. With a unique fusion of fortified wine, herbal extracts, spices, and nipped with quinine, Dubonnet Rouge has carved a legendary niche in the world of cocktails.
This refined aperitif tantalizes the senses, with its complex bouquet highlighted by enticing aromas of cherry, mint, and walnut. The palate is treated to an exquisite medley of flavors, featuring zesty lemon, warm spices of cardamom, rich toffee, and a delightful interplay of orange, nuts, chocolate, and coffee. The finish is beautifully balanced with a touch of sweetness, layered with hints of lemon and herbs, making it a perfect choice for any occasion.
Dubonnet thrives in both classic and contemporary mixology, whether served neat, on the rocks, or as a vibrant addition to cocktails. Its rich, port-like flavor profile makes it a welcome companion all year round—from refreshing summer sippers to cozy winter delights.
As the number-one selling aperitif brand in the United States, Dubonnet remains faithful to its original family recipe, ensuring quality and authenticity with every bottle. At 16% alcohol, the 750ml bottle contains limitless possibilities, inviting culinary exploration beyond cocktails. Dubonnet Blanc, along with its Rouge counterpart, offers unique flavors that elevate any dish, showcasing its versatility in the kitchen. Experience the allure of this timeless aperitif and celebrate moments, big and small, with Dubonnet.
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This refined aperitif tantalizes the senses, with its complex bouquet highlighted by enticing aromas of cherry, mint, and walnut. The palate is treated to an exquisite medley of flavors, featuring zesty lemon, warm spices of cardamom, rich toffee, and a delightful interplay of orange, nuts, chocolate, and coffee. The finish is beautifully balanced with a touch of sweetness, layered with hints of lemon and herbs, making it a perfect choice for any occasion.
Dubonnet thrives in both classic and contemporary mixology, whether served neat, on the rocks, or as a vibrant addition to cocktails. Its rich, port-like flavor profile makes it a welcome companion all year round—from refreshing summer sippers to cozy winter delights.
As the number-one selling aperitif brand in the United States, Dubonnet remains faithful to its original family recipe, ensuring quality and authenticity with every bottle. At 16% alcohol, the 750ml bottle contains limitless possibilities, inviting culinary exploration beyond cocktails. Dubonnet Blanc, along with its Rouge counterpart, offers unique flavors that elevate any dish, showcasing its versatility in the kitchen. Experience the allure of this timeless aperitif and celebrate moments, big and small, with Dubonnet.
Additional Information
Alcohol Volume: |
14.8% |
750ML |