

    Calico Jack Spiced Gold

    Calico Jack Spiced Rum 700ml

    Calico Jack was a notorious pirate of the Caribbean of the 18th Century. In his spirit, this classic Caribbean drink was created using a proprietary blend of traditional Caribbean spices, including cinnamon, vanilla and oak, providing a full flavoured...
  • Kraken Rum Mini


    Kraken Spiced Rum 50ml

    Kraken Spiced Rum 50ml captures the essence of legendary tales and the mysterious allure of the high seas. Crafted in the Caribbean, this enchanting black spiced rum is steeped in folklore, evoking the legendary Kraken—a fearsome sea monster believed to...
  • Kraken Rum

    Kraken Rum 700ml

    Kraken Rum, a captivating tribute to the legendary sea monster, is more than just a spirit; it’s an experience steeped in myth and maritime lore. Crafted in the vibrant Caribbean, specifically in Trinidad and Tobago, the Kraken® Black Spiced Rum...
    Ron Zacapa Centenario XO

    Ron Zacapa Centenario XO

    Containing a blend of rums from 6 to 25 years old, with an extra ageing stage in French oak barrels that previously held cognac Keynote A perfectly balanced combination of sweetness, spice, fruit and spirit, a connoisseur’s delight and the ultimate...
    Ron Zacapa Centenario 23 Rum

    Ron Zacapa Centenario 23 Rum

    Containing a blend of rums from 6 to 23 years old Keynote Wonderfully intricate with honeyed butterscotch, spiced oak and raisined fruit, showcasing the complexity of the sistema solera ageing process. Appearance Light mahogany, with the tones of...
  • Sailor Jerry

    Sailor Jerry

    Sailor Jerry embodies the spirit of adventure and craftsmanship, delivering a straight-up, no-nonsense rum that pays homage to its namesake, the legendary tattoo artist Norman ‘Sailor Jerry’ Collins. Distilled in the Caribbean, this exceptional rum...
    Appleton Rum

    Appleton Rum

    A full-bodied premium aged rum that boasts a warm golden color, rich satisfying aroma and an exceptionally sophisticated flavor. Appleton Estate V/X is a perfect blend of 15 select, varying styles of rums that have been aged in handcrafted oak barrels...
    Captain Morgan Black Label

    Captain Morgan Black Label

    Captain Morgan ® Black rum has serious depth of flavour, recalling the navy "rum rations" which went down so well with sailors, swashbuckling adventurers and connoisseurs alike. It is a blend of pot and continuous still rums from Jamaica, Guyana...
  • Captain Morgan Spiced Rum

    Captain Morgan Spiced Rum

    Captain Morgan Spiced Rum embodies the spirit of adventure, bringing a taste of the Caribbean to your glass. Crafted using a unique, secret blend of fine Caribbean rums, this original spiced rum delights the palate with its smooth and medium-bodied...
    Havana Club Anejo 7 Anos 700ml

    Havana Club

    Havana Club Anejo 7 Anos 700ml

    The very essence of aged Cuban rum which I am most proud of.Havana Club Añejo 7 Años embodies Cuban rum-making excellence and is recognized as one of the best aged rums in the world. Havana Club Añejo 7 Años is the epitome of...
  • Havana Club Anejo Reserva 700ml

    Havana Club

    Havana Club Anejo Reserva 700ml

    Havana Club Añejo Reserva 700ml embodies a remarkable blend of complexity and unparalleled smoothness, showcasing the art of Cuban rum-making that has been perfected over generations. This exceptional rum offers a delightful balance of powerful taste and...
  • Havana Club Anejo 3 Anos 700ml

    Havana Club

    Havana Club Anejo 3 Anos 700ml

    Havana Club Anejo 3 Anos is a quintessential rum that captures the vibrant spirit of Cuba, inviting aficionados and newcomers alike to experience its captivating essence. Hailing from the heart of Havana, this remarkable spirit showcases the art of...