Nant Whisky

Nant Whisky

  • Nant Sherry Cask Single Malt

    Nant Whisky

    Nants Boubon Cask 500ml

    Nants Boubon Cask 500ml is a remarkable expression of craftsmanship that captures the essence of fine whisky. This exemplary offering from Nants showcases a delightful balance of smoothness and...
  • Nant Port Cask Single Malt

    Nant Whisky

    Nants Port Cask 500ml

    Nants Port Cask 500ml epitomizes the artistry of whisky craftsmanship, delivering a remarkable and multifaceted flavor experience that enchants without overwhelming. This exquisite blend invites...
    On Sale
    Nant Sherry Cask Single Malt

    Nant Whisky

    Nants Sherry Cask 500ml

    MSRP: $180.00
    Now: $160.00
    Was: $180.00
    An intriguing balance of sweet and spice that takes plenty of influence from its ex-sherry cask. As smooth as it is balanced.   Tasting Notes       Nose – Rich maple aromas...
    MSRP: $180.00
    Now: $160.00
    Was: $180.00