Good Day

Good Day

  • Good Day Apple Soju 360ml

    Good Day Apple Soju 360ml

    Good Day

    Good Day Apple Soju, presented in a convenient 360ml bottle, is a premium beverage that promises a delightful drinking experience. Crafted from 100% natural crops and spring water, this Soju embodies...
    Good Day Cherry Soju 360ml

    Good Day Cherry Soju 360ml

    Good Day

    Natural bamboo charcoal alkali Soju is produced by patented purification technology. The taste is pure and clean. Alcohol fermented and distilled from 100% natural crops spring water makes you...
    Good Day Grape Fruit Soju 360ml

    Good Day Grape Fruit Soju 360ml

    Good Day

    Natural bamboo charcoal alkali Soju is produced by patented purification technology. The taste is pure and clean. Alcohol fermented and distilled from 100% natural crops spring water makes you...
  • Good Day Guava Soju 360ml

    Good Day Guava Soju 360ml

    Good Day

    Natural bamboo charcoal alkali Soju is produced by patented purification technology. The taste is pure and clean. Alcohol fermented and distilled from 100% natural crops spring water makes you...
  • Good Day Lychee Soju 360ml

    Good Day Lychee Soju 360ml

    Good Day

    Good Day Lychee Soju 360ml embodies the perfect fusion of tradition and innovation, offering a uniquely refreshing experience for spirit enthusiasts. Crafted from 100% natural crops and spring water,...
  • Good Day Mango Soju 360ml

    Good Day Mango Soju 360ml

    Good Day

    Good Day Mango Soju 360ml offers a delightful twist on the traditional Korean spirit that captures the essence of summer with every sip. Crafted using a patented purification technology, this special...
  • Good Day Melon Soju 360ml

    Good Day Melon Soju 360ml

    Good Day

    Natural bamboo charcoal alkali Soju is produced by patented purification technology. The taste is pure and clean. Alcohol fermented and distilled from 100% natural crops spring water makes you...
  • Good Day Peach Soju 360ml

    Good Day Peach Soju 360ml

    Good Day

    Good Day Peach Soju offers a refreshing twist on a beloved classic, bringing the delightful essence of ripe peaches into an elegantly crafted spirit. This 360ml bottle embodies the art of traditional...