Deau Cognac

Deau Cognac

  • Deau Black Extra 700ml

    Deau Cognac

    Deau Black Extra 700ml

    DEAU BLACK is a remarkable Cognac that embodies character and passion, appealing to those who appreciate the finer things in life. Encased in a striking black glass bottle, this exquisite spirit...
  • Deau Louis Memory 700ml

    Deau Cognac

    Deau Louis Memory 700ml

    Discover the refined elegance of DEAU LOUIS MEMORY, an exquisite Grande Champagne XO Cognac that embodies the legacy of Louis DEAU, who established himself in the Cognac region during the 17th...
  • Deau XO 700ml

    Deau Cognac

    Deau XO 700ml

    DEAU COLLECTION XO DEAU XO, a cognac for Epicureans! Soft, delicate and ample with a generous taste, DEAU XO reveals a marvelous balance of aromatic flavors. DEAU XO is a blend of cognacs sourced...
  • Moisans XO 700ml

    Deau Cognac

    Moisans XO 700ml

    Crafted with precision and a deep respect for tradition, Moisans XO Cognac embodies the essence of excellence from the renowned regions of Fine Champagne and Fins Bois. This exceptional offering is a...