Deakin Estate

Deakin Estate

  • Deakin Chardonnay 2017 750ml

    Deakin Chardonnay 750ml

    Deakin Estate

    Deakin Chardonnay 750ml showcases the remarkable terroir of Deakin Estate’s family-owned vineyards nestled near Mildura in north-west Victoria. This region, enriched by the presence of the mighty...
  • Deakin Shiraz 2017 750ml

    Deakin Shiraz 750ml

    Deakin Estate

    Deakin Shiraz 750ml embodies the heart and soul of the Deakin Estate, a family-owned vineyard nestled in the picturesque region of Mildura, North West Victoria. This remarkable wine is a true...