Pinot Gris

Pinot Gris

  • Babich Black Label Pinot Gris 750ml
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    Babich Black Label Pinot Gris 750ml

    Babich Black Label Pinot Gris is a finely crafted wine that epitomizes the essence of New Zealand's premium viticulture. This exquisite white wine is presented in a beautifully designed 750ml bottle, perfect for any occasion, whether it be an intimate...
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    Catalina Sounds Pinot Gris 2017 750ml

    Catalina Sounds

    Catalina Sounds Pinot Gris 750ml

    GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONWhat started as a ‘normal’ growing season with above average but not excessive crops, fi nished with a series of irregular rain events throughout March and April that necessitated early and pragmatic harvest decisions...
  • Innocent Bystander Pinot Grigio 2017 750ml
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    Innocent Bystander

    Innocent Bystander Pinot Gris 750ml

    Discover the delightful charm of Innocent Bystander Pinot Gris, a 750ml bottle that embodies the essence of an easy-going, refreshing white wine. This Pinot Gris is the perfect companion for those seeking a wine that is neither too bold nor too subtle,...
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    Paxton Pinot Gris 2018 750ML

    Paxton Wines

    Paxton Pinot Gris 2018 750ML

    PRODUCT INFORMATION ABV | 12.5%COUNTRY | AUSTRALIAREGION | SOUTH AUSTRALIA - MCLAREN VALETYPE | PINOT GRISVINTAGE | 2018   Pinot Gris is increasing in popularity and we believe it’s a variety well suited to one of McLaren Vale’s coolest...
  • crowded house pinot gris
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    Crowded House Pinot Gris

    Crowded House Pinot Gris embodies the exquisite essence of New Zealand's renowned wine country, Marlborough. This vibrant wine captures the unique characteristics that make Pinot Gris from this region truly exceptional. Its pale straw color, complemented...
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  • Red Claw Pinot Gris
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    Red Claw Pinot Gris

    Red Claw Pinot Gris Robert and Mem Kirby planted the first Yabby Lake Vineyard in Red Hill in 1992 with extended plantings to the Moorooduc sub region in 1998. With enormous passion they have swiftly established Yabby Lake as one of...
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