White Wines

White Wines

  • Yalumba Gen Organic Chardonnay 750ml
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    Yalumba Gen Organic Chardonnay 750ml

    Yalumba Gen Organic Chardonnay, elegantly presented in a 750ml bottle, embodies a true celebration of exceptional winemaking. Originating from organic vineyards set against the stunning backdrops of Australia, this Chardonnay reflects a deep commitment...
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  • Yalumba Gen Organic Pinot Grigio 750ml
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    Yalumba Gen Organic Pinot Grigio 750ml

    Yalumba Gen Organic Pinot Grigio is a captivating 750ml white wine that embodies the spirit of organic winemaking. Made in Australia's prestigious Yalumba vineyards, this wine is a remarkable blend of sustainable practices and superior quality, making it...
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  • Chaffey Bros Eden Valley Riesling 2022 Eden Valley 750ml
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    Chaffey Bros

    Chaffey Bros Eden Valley Riesling 2022 Eden Valley 750ml

    Chaffey Bros Eden Valley Riesling 2022 effortlessly captures the spirit of its cool-climate origins, presenting a captivating portrait of the Eden Valley terroir in a 750ml bottle. This exceptional Riesling is characterized by a shimmering pale straw...
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  • D'Arenberg The Olive Grove Chardonnay 750ml
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    D'Arenberg The Olive Grove Chardonnay 750ml

    D'Arenberg The Olive Grove Chardonnay is a delightful wine that embodies the spirit of the Adelaide Hills, celebrated for its cool climate and premium wine production. This exquisite 750ml bottle showcases D'Arenberg's commitment to quality and...
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  • Little Yering Chardonnay 750ml
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    Little Yering Chardonnay 750ml

    Little Yering Chardonnay is a vibrant expression of the cool climate that defines the Yarra Valley. This 750ml bottle showcases the remarkable characteristics of Chardonnay through a harmonious blend of ripe stone fruits, crisp apple, and subtle citrus...
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  • Pirramimma Stocks Hill Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
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    Pirramimma Stocks Hill Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Pirramimma Stocks Hill Sauvignon Blanc is a delightful white wine that captures the essence of its cool climate origins, delivering a refreshing and crisp tasting experience. This exquisite Sauvignon Blanc, sourced from the coveted Stocks Hill vineyard,...
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  • Churchview Silverleaf Rose 750ml
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    Churchview Silverleaf Rose 750ml

    Churchview Silverleaf Rose 750ml is a delightful expression of premium winemaking that expertly blends elegance with a refreshing vibrancy. Crafted from carefully selected grapes, this rosé embodies the lush, sun-kissed vineyards of the Churchview...
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  • Innocent Bystander Moscato 750ml
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    Innocent Bystander

    Innocent Bystander Moscato 750ml

    Innocent Bystander Moscato 750ml captures the essence of pure indulgence, bringing a delightful experience that dances on the palate. Renowned for its enchanting profile, this wine is a celebration of flavor, often hailed as the catalyst for a thousand...
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  • Deakin Sauvignon Blanc 2018 750ml
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    Deakin Estate

    Deakin Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Deakin Sauvignon Blanc is a delightful expression of the vibrant terroir found near Mildura in north-west Victoria. Family-owned Deakin Estate harnesses the nurturing essence of the mighty Murray River, which flows gracefully across the landscape,...
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  • Deakin Chardonnay 2017 750ml
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    Deakin Estate

    Deakin Chardonnay 750ml

    Deakin Chardonnay 750ml showcases the remarkable terroir of Deakin Estate’s family-owned vineyards nestled near Mildura in north-west Victoria. This region, enriched by the presence of the mighty Murray River, boasts fertile soils that play a crucial...
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  • La Vieille Ferme Blanc 2017 750ml
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    La Vieille Ferme

    La Vieille Ferme Blanc 750ml

    La Vieille Ferme Blanc 2017 is a remarkable wine that exemplifies the beauty of a vintage shaped by nature’s extremes. As one of the driest years in three decades, this vintage emerged from a landscape where diligent vineyard practices met optimal...
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  • La Vieille Ferme Rose 2017 750ml
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    La Vieille Ferme

    La Vieille Ferme Rose 750ml

    La Vieille Ferme Rosé 750ml embodies the essence of effortless enjoyment, making it an ideal companion for casual gatherings and laid-back meals. This delightful rosé wine offers a refreshing and approachable profile, perfect for those who appreciate...
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    Pizzini Rosetta 2017 750ml

    Pizzini Wines

    Pizzini Rosetta 2017 750ml

    This vibrant pale red rose is made with Sangiovese. The varietal red fruits are just the thing you're after when rose is on the table - plenty of cherry fruits, raspberries and strawberries, some musky floral notes lift off the top. The palate's all...
    Pizzini Riesling 2017 750ml

    Pizzini Wines

    Pizzini Riesling 2017 750ml

    PRODUCT INFORMATION ABV | 11.8%COUNTRY | AUSTRALIAREGION | MELBOURNE - KING VALLEYTYPE | RIESLINGVINTAGE | 2017   Aromatics include citrus blossom, white petal flowers, sweet floral notes and dried herbs. The palate is crisp, fresh and taut with...
    Paxton Pinot Gris 2018 750ML

    Paxton Wines

    Paxton Pinot Gris 2018 750ML

    PRODUCT INFORMATION ABV | 12.5%COUNTRY | AUSTRALIAREGION | SOUTH AUSTRALIA - MCLAREN VALETYPE | PINOT GRISVINTAGE | 2018   Pinot Gris is increasing in popularity and we believe it’s a variety well suited to one of McLaren Vale’s coolest...
  • crowded house pinot gris
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    Crowded House Pinot Gris

    Crowded House Pinot Gris embodies the exquisite essence of New Zealand's renowned wine country, Marlborough. This vibrant wine captures the unique characteristics that make Pinot Gris from this region truly exceptional. Its pale straw color, complemented...
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