Red Wines

Red Wines

    Dog Point Pinot Noir 2016 750ml

    Dog Point Pinot Noir 2016 750ml

    Dog Point

    TASTING NOTEBouquet: A ripe spectrum of flavours lead by dark stone fruit and evident spice aromas. Palate: The palate is bold, with intense red and dark fruit. The use of whole bunch inclusion during fermentation adds a layer of dried herbs and floral...
    Curlewis Bellarine Selection äóÖBel Seläó» Pinot Noir 2016 750ml

    Curlewis Bellarine Selection Pinot Noir 2016 750ml

    Curlewis Winery

    Colour: Deep Crimson Bouquet: A fragrant and savoury bouquet with a mix of red berries and earthy and spicy complexity. Palate: An expressive wine with good texture. The palate is savoury with fine acidity and delicate tannins . A...
  • Catalina Sounds Pinot Noir 2016 750ml

    Catalina Sounds Pinot Noir 750ml

    Catalina Sounds

    Catalina Sounds Pinot Noir 750ml captures the essence of the Marlborough region, showcasing the unique character of the Sound of White Vineyard in the Waihopai Valley. The outstanding 2015/16 growing season set the stage for a remarkable wine,...
    Four Sisters Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 750ml

    Four Sisters Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Four Sisters

    The fruit was sourced from two individual vineyard sites predominately the Goulburn Valley and a small amount from the Sunbury grape growing region. Soil types across each individual site vary from sandy loam soils with some clay content...
  • Deakin Shiraz 2017 750ml

    Deakin Shiraz 750ml

    Deakin Estate

    Deakin Shiraz 750ml embodies the heart and soul of the Deakin Estate, a family-owned vineyard nestled in the picturesque region of Mildura, North West Victoria. This remarkable wine is a true reflection of its origin, thanks to the nurturing embrace of...
  • Deakin Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 750ml

    Deakin Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Deakin Estate

    Deakin Cabernet Sauvignon is a standout wine that embodies the essence of the picturesque Deakin Estate vineyards located near Mildura in northwest Victoria. Nestled alongside the majestic Murray River, the estate benefits from the region's rich, fertile...
  • La Vieille Ferme Rouge 2017 750ml

    La Vieille Ferme Rouge 750ml

    La Vieille Ferme

    La Vieille Ferme Rouge 750ml, a standout red wine from the esteemed Perrin Family, encapsulates the essence of the exceptional 2017 vintage—a year heralded as one of the driest in the past three decades. With meticulous vineyard practices that prioritize...
  • Turkey Flat Butchers Block 2017

    Turkey Flat Butchers Block

    Turkey Flay Vineyards

    The Turkey Flat Butchers Block Shiraz embodies a contemporary approach to one of Australia’s most esteemed winemaking regions, the Barossa Valley. This vibrant and expressive wine is crafted for those who appreciate a lighter and brighter style, perfect...
  • Pizzini Shiraz 2016 750ml

    Pizzini Shiraz 2016 750ml

    Pizzini Wines

    Pizzini Shiraz 2016 is a captivating expression of the King Valley region in Australia, showcasing the artistry and dedication that goes into crafting exquisite wines. With an ABV of 13.8%, this Shiraz offers an impressive balance of strength and...
    Pizzini Sangiovese Shiraz 2015 750ml

    Pizzini Sangiovese Shiraz 2015 750ml

    Pizzini Wines

    PRODUCT INFORMATION ABV | 13.5%COUNTRY | AUSTRALIAREGION | MELBOURNE - KING VALLEYTYPE | SANGIOVESE SHIRAZVINTAGE | 2015   The nose has lifted exotic spice and bright brambly red fruits (cherries and wild raspberries) with savoury undertones. The...
    Paxton NOW Preservative Free Shiraz 2018 750ML

    Paxton NOW Preservative Free Shiraz 2018 750ML

    Paxton Wines

    PRODUCT INFORMATION ABV | 14%COUNTRY | AUSTRALIAREGION | SOUTH AUSTRALIA - MCLAREN VALEVARIETY | SHIRAZVINTAGE | 2018   NOW by PAXTON stands for NATURAL ORGANIC WINE. The consumer market demand has been growing steadily for Preservative Free/Natural...
  • Paxton McLaren Vale Shiraz 2017 750ML

    Paxton McLaren Vale Shiraz 2017 750ML

    Paxton Wines

    Paxton McLaren Vale Shiraz 2017 is a stunning representation of the renowned terroir of South Australia, showcasing the depth and character of the McLaren Vale region. Crafted from 100% Shiraz grapes sourced from four of Paxton's biodynamic vineyards,...